
What is saffron? Know the types of saffron.

Saffron is an agricultural product that is used as a seasoning and spice in cooking because of its aroma and color. The presence of two substances, crocin and safranal, in saffron gives it medicinal properties, as it is also used in the medical industry. Saffron is one of the most expensive spices in the world, which is also known as red gold. If we want to check the reason why saffron is expensive, the first thing we will come across is the rarity of this plant in the world.

What is saffron and how does it grow?

Most plants are propagated through seeds and seeds, but the saffron propagation factor is the saffron bulb. Planting saffron onion was first taught to other countries through Iranians. After planting the saffron onion in the soil, the purple flower of saffron is brought out from the soil through the tops of the onion.

After flowering, you end up with a purple flower with 6 beautiful petals protecting 3 red stigmas. These three red stigmas are the same colorful material that is prepared with great effort.

Types of original saffron

Unlike other spices, saffron has different types, in each type, the saffron threads are not the same, and this difference depends on the type of harvest, separation (filling) of saffron flower, the climate of the region and finally its quality.

We have listed the types of saffron from the highest quality to the lowest quality.

Super precious saffron
Semi precious saffron
precious saffron
Sargol saffron
Pushal saffron
Bunch of saffron (Pich girl)

If you want to know more about each of these saffrons, I suggest you read the article related to (types of saffron). The only thing that can be mentioned in this article is that Super Nagin saffron is the best and most expensive type of saffron and Sargol saffron is one of the most popular types that can be found in abundance in the market.

Mountain or wild saffron

The saffron we know more is the one with purple petals that is used as a spice. There is another type of saffron that grows by itself and most of its leaves are white. Mountain saffron onion is edible.

The most important properties of saffron

Before we want to find out about the properties of saffron, it is good to tell you in the form of a list what saffron is useful for:

pain relief
hair loss prevention
Improve respiratory health
Improve heart health
Improve mental health
Improve skin health
Strengthening the digestive system
It is also effective for treating high blood pressure and blood sugar.
Also, women who suffer from menstrual irregularities or have painful periods can recover by consuming saffron on time.
Diabetes can be controlled and prevented by using this plant.
Treatment of gout can be done by this flower.
Saffron helps to improve the sex life of men.
People who suffer from cold stomach and abdominal pain can get rid of this condition by consuming saffron.
The body needs adjustment by consuming a lot of cold food, and saffron does this well.
A cold may manifest itself with hives, which saffron helps to treat.
Sleep disorder, urinary disorder and memory disorders can be resolved with the help of this colorful and fragrant plant.
This plant with warm and dry nature is the best detoxifier.
There is a simple treatment for MS and that is saffron treatment.
It helps to improve metabolism and leads to increased metabolism and weight loss.

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